How learning to use Git reminded me of transitioning out of the Marines

Jameel Matin
3 min readSep 23, 2016



When working on a project, I checked into a new path from local master branch to local feature branch.

When inside the local feature branch, I made a bunch of changes and updates.

While that was happening, local master branch did not have any knowledge of those updates.

Local master branch was stuck in time at the place I was when I first checked into local feature branch.

So local feature branch progressed and local master branch has not.

When I made all the changes that I needed to make for local feature branch, I pushed it up to my remote feature branch.

There, remote feature branch was a total reflection of the local feature branch.

Then I did a pull request from GitHub which merged my remote feature branch into the remote master branch.

Now we have three branches that are up to date.

Local feature branch is up to date with the remote feature branch which is up to date with the remote master branch.

All three include the exact same fundamental code.

The odd man out is the local master branch.

Local master branch has not been updated since I last checked in to local feature branch.

I have to properly and methodically merge into local master branch in case I want to progress my project any further

Since local master branch is the orientation point, it’s the place where you start.

Now read it again except change the following:

Project = life

Local master branch = civilian life

Local feature branch= Marine Corps Boot Camp

Remote feature branch = School of Infantry

Pull request = Orders

GitHub = Marine Corps

Merge = transitioned

Remote master branch = fleet

When working on life, I checked into a new path from civilian life to Marine Corps Boot Camp.

When inside Marine Corps Boot Camp, I made a bunch of updates and changes.

While that was happening, civilian life did not have any knowledge of those updates.

Civilian life was stuck in time at the place I was when I first checked in to Marine Corps Boot Camp.

So Marine Corps Boot Camp progressed and civilian life has not.

When I made all the changes that I needed to make for Marine Corps Boot Camp, I pushed it up to the School of Infantry.

There, School of Infantry was a total reflection of Marine Corps Boot Camp.

Then I had orders from the Marine Corps which transitioned me from the School of Infantry into the fleet.

Now we have three branches up to date.

Marine Corps Boot Camp is up to date with the School of Infantry which is up to date with the fleet.

All three include the exact same fundamental code.

The odd man out is civilian life.

Civilian life has not been updated since I last checked in to Marine Corps Boot Camp.

I have to properly and methodically transition to civilian life in case I want to progress my life any further.

Since civilian life is the orientation point, it’s the place where you start.

U.S. DOL Employment Workshop. Transition from Military to Civilian Guide. Page 8. April 2016 Edition.



Jameel Matin
Jameel Matin

Written by Jameel Matin

Trying to punch above my weight. Formerly @USMC.

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