Attention Enlisted Active Duty
Here are SOP’s for:
1 min readSep 21, 2016
Earning a college degree for free.
From a top University.
In less than four years.
In Any branch. Any MOS.
Without tapping into your G.I. bill.
- Click here to apply to a top University
- Click here to choose your major.
- Click here to get your tuition paid for.
- Click here to get a free Grant.
- Click here to get paid for going to school.
- Click here to earn free college credits in 2 hours instead of 16 weeks.
- Click here to earn free college credits for your military service.
- Click here for free professional tutoring services 24/7.
When you get out of the military with a degree, you can use your G.I. Bill (which is limited to only 36 months) towards a professional degree such as an MBA, JD or Masters…and get paid for it.
I was able to maximize my education benefits due to the guidamce from my Infantry Platoon Sgt below.